Interesting Science Facts

  • A human ears and nose never stop growing but your eyes always the same size from birth.
  • It takes 17 muscles to smile and 43 to frown.
  • For an adult human, taking just one step uses up to 200 muscle.
  • A human eye can distinguish between 10 million different colors approximately.
  • The body can detect taste in 0.015 second, which is faster than the blink of an eye.
  • Viruses cannot grow by themselves they infect a host cell and directs it machinery to produce virus cells. 
  • Sun center temperature reaches 15 million C. 
  • There are more bacteria in a human mouth than there are people in the world.
  • Dolphins and whales don't drink water.
  • The brain is much more active at night than during a day.
  • The fingerprint of a koala are so indistinguishable from humans that they have an occasion been confused at a crime scene.
  • An adult humans small intestine is about 18 to 23 feet long, which is about four times as long as adult is tall.
  • The heart of a shrimp is located in its heart.

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