Tuesday, April 10, 2018


Is you child hyperactive?? Here is how you spot hyperactivity in kids:

  • Hyperactive kids have difficulty in listening to or follow directions.
  • They cant sit back in their seats. They move around a lot.
  • They talk too much, or interrupt others people conversations.
  • Fail to follow instruction.
  • They are bouncing with energy.
  • They can easily become and sad and anger.

Hyperactivity is related to brain and so the best way to handle hyperactivity kids is to make him/her relax and take things one  a time. So, help your child to pay attention, focus better, and be less hyper. These are tips that deal with hyperactive kids better:

  • Vent their energy.
  • Talk to your child in a simple manner.
  • Help them deal with their feelings
  • Make them relax.
  • Behavior therapy
Here are six games to keep children with hyperactivity busy:

Martial Arts - Handle Hyperactive Kids - FlintoboxNature Trails - Handle Hyperactive Kids - Flintobox

Swimming - Handle Hyperactive Kids - FlintoboxMusic to calm - Handle Hyperactive Kids - FlintoboxOutdoor Sports - Handle Hyperactive Kids - Flintobox

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