Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Group Work

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Can students learn anything in groups? 

In groups students can learn content, as in master the material. Whether are working on problems, answering questions about reading or discussing cases studies. When students work together on content they can master the basics. 

They can learn how groups function productively. In order for groups to function productively students must fulfill individual responsibilities. Productive group members come prepared, they contribute to the group interaction, they support each other, and they deliver good work on time.

They can learn why groups make better decisions than individuals because students share what they know, debate their answers then find their way to the right answer. 

They can learn how to work with others. Group work help students learn how to work with people outside their circles of friends including those who have different background and experience.

1 comment:

  1. Learning group is a collection of persons who are emotionally, intellectually, and aesthetically engaged in solving problems, creating products, and making meaning.


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