Monday, April 9, 2018

Exam Preparation

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These are some tips for students to have ideal preparation and best results in their exams:

1. There are different methods for study so find your own study type.

2. Study in a group if can be helpful especially for subjects like math or chemistry.

3. Take breaks enough when you study, the brain needs time to process what it has learned.

4. Relax the day before the exam instead of studying.

5. Don't think about failing during the exam and do your best.

6. Solve your exam with confidence and relax but with focusing.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Different Teaching Methods

Todays different styles of teaching help teachers to identify the right style for them and their students. 

These are some different methods:

1. Lecture style:

It is a pure model which the teacher gives information to the students and they take notes to memorize them. This way is suitable for for some subjects for example history which needs memorization of names and dates... Also this model is better for older mature people not for children.

2. Activity style:

This model promotes self learning, helps students to develop critical thinking, and trains them to ask questions. It is ideal for science subjects.

3. Group style:

This style is best suited for subjects that include lab and class activities, projects such in chemistry and biology.

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Monday, February 26, 2018

Education and Technology

We have started for two weeks, this coarse talks about how to use google drive, and how to make quizzes online and many more details. I loved it !! 

Effective Teachers

Qualities of effective teachers. Do teachers make a difference in how much and how well student learn? There is a direct, measurable lin...