Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Effective Teachers

Qualities of effective teachers.

Do teachers make a difference in how much and how well student learn? There is a direct, measurable link between teacher effectiveness and student success. Here some qualities of an effective teachers:

The ability to develop relationships with their students. Teachers need to be able to build trusting relationships with students in order to great safe, positive and productive learning environment.

Patience, loving and kind personality an effective teacher should have these characteristics.

Knowledge of learners: This is a broad category that incorporates knowledge of the cognitive, social and emotional development of learners. It includes on understanding of how students learn at a given developmental level; how learning in a specific subject area and understanding that instructions should be tailored to meet each learners need.

Dedication to teaching: Dedication refers to a love of teaching or passion for the work, which includes commitment to students success. Responses often referred to loving the subject matter or simply being dedicated to the work.

Engaging students in learning: The types of engagement that are required for students to learn:cognitive emotional and behavioral. Teachers should make content interesting and able to motivate students to learn.

Group Work

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Can students learn anything in groups? 

In groups students can learn content, as in master the material. Whether are working on problems, answering questions about reading or discussing cases studies. When students work together on content they can master the basics. 

They can learn how groups function productively. In order for groups to function productively students must fulfill individual responsibilities. Productive group members come prepared, they contribute to the group interaction, they support each other, and they deliver good work on time.

They can learn why groups make better decisions than individuals because students share what they know, debate their answers then find their way to the right answer. 

They can learn how to work with others. Group work help students learn how to work with people outside their circles of friends including those who have different background and experience.


Is you child hyperactive?? Here is how you spot hyperactivity in kids:

  • Hyperactive kids have difficulty in listening to or follow directions.
  • They cant sit back in their seats. They move around a lot.
  • They talk too much, or interrupt others people conversations.
  • Fail to follow instruction.
  • They are bouncing with energy.
  • They can easily become and sad and anger.

Hyperactivity is related to brain and so the best way to handle hyperactivity kids is to make him/her relax and take things one  a time. So, help your child to pay attention, focus better, and be less hyper. These are tips that deal with hyperactive kids better:

  • Vent their energy.
  • Talk to your child in a simple manner.
  • Help them deal with their feelings
  • Make them relax.
  • Behavior therapy
Here are six games to keep children with hyperactivity busy:

Martial Arts - Handle Hyperactive Kids - FlintoboxNature Trails - Handle Hyperactive Kids - Flintobox

Swimming - Handle Hyperactive Kids - FlintoboxMusic to calm - Handle Hyperactive Kids - FlintoboxOutdoor Sports - Handle Hyperactive Kids - Flintobox

My Graduation!!

It was my graduation day! It was the best day ever, feelings couldn't be described. Throughout the past years, you could finally said it was coming to an end. All the stressful studying and getting little to no sleep had all paid off for this moment. Finally it was the day that you walked to the stage to take your diploma with your closest friends. All of us were wearing the same outfit the cap and the gown, your proud loving parents, all your friends and the whole crowd were there waiting our names to come out. In every step you walked toward the stadium there was a story worth telling and living. Happiness and excitement were filling our hearts waiting each other to all throw our caps in air. 

Importance Of Education

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Nowadays education means alot. We all want to see our kids going through success and this occur through proper education. Education can change our minds, personality and help us to attain the positive attitudes. If you want a happy life and enjoy the things the world has to offer you should get educated. Therefore education is a must to have a great job a success future and a stable life. Today's world most people agree that money is important for survival, so the more educated you are the better career option you have. In addition it helps you to make your own decisions, be a self dependent person and express your views and opinion confidently. Education helps you to become an active member of the society and to participate in the ongoing changes and development. Therefore every student should put a goal and decide what he likes to be in the future to achieve it and reach high degrees of education.  

Monday, April 9, 2018

Controlled Class

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Teachers should follow some steps to have a controlled class:

  • Greet all the members with a touch of smile when you entered a class.
  • Maintain equal eye contact and give equal priority to the students throughout the session.
  • Support your information with good examples and with humor.
  • When you want address anybody address politely, make the student comfortable and encourage the student to ask again politely if any doubt arisen.

  • Try to give the important information first and make the session interactive.

Brain Facts

These are some interesting information about our brains:

  • The brain can feel no pain because there are no pain receptor in it.
  • Your skin weighs twice as much as you brain.
  • Some people dream only in black and white while others dream in different colors.
  • Our brain kicks in and keeps things illuminated so the whole world doesn't go dark each time we blink.
  • Five areas of the brain are needed when you laugh at a joke.
  • A hormone produced while you sleep prevent you from acting out your dream leaving you paralyzed. 

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Effective Teachers

Qualities of effective teachers. Do teachers make a difference in how much and how well student learn? There is a direct, measurable lin...